Joe, Xander and I made the trek to the Yankee Candle Factory in Deerfield, Mass. this weekend. It was a three hour trip, but the weather was clear (frigid, but clear) and the trip was easy.

Joe, Xander and I made the trek to the Yankee Candle Factory in Deerfield, Mass. this weekend. It was a three hour trip, but the weather was clear (frigid, but clear) and the trip was easy.
I would like to give a shout-out to the community at A Cherry On Top, where all my scrapbooking girlfriends live. Say what you will about online friends, but sometimes they're the only ones there for me.
Today, for example, I was feeling pretty low. All I had to do was let the girls at ACOT know how I was feeling to suddenly get a boost of good feelings! They understood how I was feeling, they said all the right things, and reminded me that even though you may not have met a person in the flesh doesn't stop them from being a true friend in every other sense.
So thanks, girls, for picking me up and dusting me off! I really needed it!
Today was Parent-Teacher Conferences at Xander's school. I was prepared for the worst, after the following conversation:
Lest you think that Life With Xander is all laughs and silliness, I took these pics last night to show the other side. Mr. Drama King.
Happy Birthday to my mom, who turns 56 today! (pay no attention to the dorky haircut)And Happy Veteran's Day to our servicemen everywhere!!
Xander had a Veteran's Day assembly at school today. Eli was kind enough to pick me up and take me, since Joe was working and had the car. I didn't want to miss Xander's first assembly, since he would be singing.
Okay, this is going to be a long post! I was out of work for several days - my mom came to visit, and before that we had a huge snow storm and our first snow day of the year. In fact, we lost power at our house for two days and were camping out at Eli and Krissy's (thanks, guys, for putting us up...and putting up with us!). This put a severe crimp in my house cleaning plans. And sadly we lost two of our fish.