Monday, November 10, 2008

Xander's First Assembly

Xander had a Veteran's Day assembly at school today. Eli was kind enough to pick me up and take me, since Joe was working and had the car. I didn't want to miss Xander's first assembly, since he would be singing.

It was long, but I cried through almost the whole thing. (I swear I have early-onset menopause!) There was a speaker who had served in the Vietnam War, the story behind the playing of Taps, and an explanation of what each fold of the flag means when it gets folded into a triangle. The elementary classes sang two patriotic songs accompanied by the high school band. It was really, really nice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He looks very handsome, indeed. Think you were crying today? Wait until he graduates high school. You're toast, baby! Love you all, M.

Cat Lady

Cat Lady
For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT