First off, a great big Happy Birthday to Great-Grandma Giuliano, who turned 100 yesterday!

First off, a great big Happy Birthday to Great-Grandma Giuliano, who turned 100 yesterday!
We were supposed to go to the pumpkin farm today - our annual visit to Binghamton to visit with Anne & Keith. But for the first year ever, we got rained out. It's been steadily raining all day, and we just couldn't justify going out. It's so depressing!But I will not be thwarted in my desire to have pictures of Xander with pumpkins. Maybe we couldn't get to the farm, but Anne has some nice pumpkins on her porch that filled in. Not quite what I had in mind, but no-one ever said I wasn't flexible!
Some days this boy doesn't eat enough to keep a bird alive. More frequently now, though, he'll eat a ridiculous amount of food, and still come back for more! While I'm happy he has an appetite, I can't help but think of the jeans in his dresser that are getting smaller and smaller.
We got some pizza for dinner the other night, and Xander surprised me by eating an entire slice (excepting the crust) and coming back for another! Wow! And of course the main meal is followed by a snack. There's always a snack.When I peek into the future, I see higher grocery bills. More frequent buying of clothes. And a boy who is growing much faster than his mommy wants him to!
This is one of those pictures I'd been wanting to take since the leaves started turning. I drive past this farm every day on my way to work, and I just love everything about it - the white fences, the brown cows, the very cute Halloween milk's just very quaint! Friday I saw my chance and grabbed it, pulling over on the side of the road and getting out to take pictures like some kind of downstate tourist. But who can argue with results?
Hi, my name is Cassie and I'm addicted to the library.
I never used to be this way. My whole life I've been a book OWNER, not a book BORROWER. If I read a book and liked it even a little, I had to have it. This is probably why my mother's house had so many bookshelves in it, and there were never enough of those.
Now that I'm older and live in a much smaller place, I don't have the luxury of book ownership. Truth be told, I don't even really want it. There are some series that I keep adding to, and those are generally books that I'll reread a couple times a year. So I have re-discovered the joy of the library and borrowing books. Even better, since the local library is so small, I have discovered the joy of inter-library loan. Woo hoo!
Lately all I do is read. I've been to the library three times this week alone, and will be back again today to drop off four books and pick up two. I stay up way past my bedtime reading, and I gotta say not much housework has been getting done. Scrapping has been suffering as well.
My latest literary finds: Catherine Coulter's FBI series, and the works of Janet Evanovich (this woman is hilarious!).
For the last five years, Xander has gone to the same daycare. Every day that I worked, he'd be there, from the time he was six weeks old. As you can imagine, we've built up a rapport with his providers and consider them to be part of our extended family.
It's only the beginning of October, but already we've had two mornings of frost. Xander was excited the first day because he thought it was snow. And I'm hoping the early frosts don't mean that we'll be having early snow, because that will just make me way too sad. (You better pack warm clothes, Mom!!) This frosty weather means that Xander has been bundling up more to wait for the bus. I've been making him wear the liner to his winter coat, and a hat. Might need to get some new gloves pretty soon too! I'm dreading winter mornings already!!
The people who bring you Caturday,, have introduced a new feature, ROFL Razzis - basically, celebrity photos that have been captioned. Some of these are hilarious, and I thought I'd brighten up your Sunday by sharing my faves! You can even create some of your own. Enjoy!
Yesterday was Open House at Xander's school. I was really looking forward to it and brought my camera along to capture as much as I could. Oddly enough, I was the only one taking pictures!
It's my nephew Braden's 6th birthday today, so a big shout out to the little man! Xander and I attended a little party for him yesterday at his house, which included a delicious dinner cooked by my sis-in-law. One of Xander's soldiers did double duty as a hunter on top of Braden's cake, which was very cute!