Some days this boy doesn't eat enough to keep a bird alive. More frequently now, though, he'll eat a ridiculous amount of food, and still come back for more! While I'm happy he has an appetite, I can't help but think of the jeans in his dresser that are getting smaller and smaller.
We got some pizza for dinner the other night, and Xander surprised me by eating an entire slice (excepting the crust) and coming back for another! Wow! And of course the main meal is followed by a snack. There's always a snack.When I peek into the future, I see higher grocery bills. More frequent buying of clothes. And a boy who is growing much faster than his mommy wants him to!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
This Boy Can Eat!
Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT
oh cass just you wait until he's a teenager mine drinks a whole gallon of milk a day by him self then eats at least 2 lg bowls of ice cream befor bed every night no to metion the $8.00 a day i give him to spend on food at school
Hey! That pizza looks soooo good! Save some for me, eh? Put a brick on his head and keep him from growing! LoL Love you! Ma.
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