If you know, or have ever met, my husband, you know he's a tattoo person. He started getting them when he was in the Marine Corps and hasn't stopped. At one point he was getting one a year, but for a while had to put that on hold. I think he's making up for lost time, because he's gotten two so far this year. This is the new one:It's a koi fish, kind of a memorial to the fish we lost during our two power outages this winter. Apparently the new plan now is to get a whole sleeve done. (For those not down with the lingo, it means he wants his whole arm to be tattooed.)
Joe consults me briefly about each tattoo, even though he knows I'm not a fan. One or two are okay, but he's got way too many! Still, he doesn't smoke (anymore), he doesn't drink (anymore), and he doesn't fool around (who has the energy?). I can't begrudge him the tattoos. Of course, that tune may change once he gets his whole arm covered!
I'm with ya, kiddo. Not a big fan, either. Oh, well. Good luck getting him to stop. Love ya, Mommo.
That is a neat looking coy fish.
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