Xander got some new games for Christmas, which was good because there's only so many times I can play the Power Rangers board game! This year he snagged Trouble, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Yahtzee Jr., and Guess Who? Marvel Edition. He hasn't much liked playing Trouble, but that's because we're still learning it. His fave is definitely Guess Who.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Playin' Games
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas - Bruno Style
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Please Leave A Message At The Sound of the Beep...
Hi, you've reached Cassie's blog. Cassie is unable to update the blog, as she is out with the other last-minute crazies finishing up her Christmas shopping. If you'd like to leave a message, she'll do her best to get back to you. Have a great day!

Monday, December 21, 2009
Family Christmas - Harrington Style
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Tree Is Up!
We finally decorated our Christmas tree last night. I can't recall ever doing one so late in the month! But the decorating went smoothly. Joe and Xander did the lights, and Xander helped me do the garland.
Xander was in full-on decorating mode, even though most of his ornaments are on his little tree in his room. Joe put up all of his special ones, and I mostly focused on filling gaps and rearranging bulbs that Xander had stacked all on one branch.
Joe hefted Xander up to do the angel, and then it was all done. I took some pictures using the tripod, to see if I could get a good lit tree picture. Of course, Xander had to get in on the act too!
Now it's really feeling like Christmas! Last night I started wrapping and now we have four presents under the tree. So festive! Now I just have to keep Stuart from chewing the paper off of them!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
9 Days 'Til Christmas Eve!
Christmas prep is in full gear at the Bruno house!
Friday, December 11, 2009
1st Snow Day of the Season!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Gingerbread House: Fail
I have never, in my 36 years, made a gingerbread house at the holidays. I've admired some that other people did, but I honestly never saw the point of them. Well, this year my step-mother gave us a gingerbread house kit with a Snoopy theme. It seemed easy enough - four little houses, with decorations. Ha!
Apparently I lack the skill for putting these stupid little cookie houses together. The instructions on the back of the box weren't clear enough for me. Finally Xander and I just gave up. He decorated some of the individual pieces, and squirted lots of frosting into his mouth.
We managed to get only one house assembled, but not the way it was supposed to look on the box. Oh, well. Xander still have fun with it. And now I know never to do this activity again! LOL!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Another Busy Holiday Weekend
The holiday season got a good kick-off this weekend! We had Joe's big Hospice party on Friday night (I'd missed the smaller party earlier in the week because Xander was sick.) and our friend Kathy was kind enough to watch Xander for us.
Joe of course was a social butterfly, going from table to table to visit. I mostly hung out with two of his supervisors. There was also a group participation murder mystery that was pretty funny, and Joe won the 50/50 raffle! He even danced with me. Awww!
Saturday we set out for the Yankee Candle Factory Flagship store in South Deerfield, MA. We'd made the trip last year and had such a good time that we all wanted to go back. It was a 3 hour drive, but so worth it. There were plenty of photo ops available, and Joe let me take advantage of most of them (Xander wasn't so generous).Joe and Xander made wax hand molds again, and this year also made their own jar candles. Xander loves doing that kind of hands-on stuff! We also had a nice lunch at The Chandler, the restaurant that is part of the facility there.

Friday, December 4, 2009
Dear Santa
Last night Xander penned his first ever letter to Santa. His list is long, as you can see! I helped him spell some of the words, others he decided to do on his own. I sure hope Santa can read all of this! Xander packed up his letter and will be giving it to Santa in person when we go to see him at Yankee Candle Factory tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Best.Advent Calendar.Ever!
Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT