Well, I'm finally starting to recover from Thanksgiving and Black Friday! I literally shopped till I dropped, both Friday and Sunday. Lots of money spent, but my Christmas shopping is almost done. Woo hoo! I shopped a bit with Krissy on Black Friday, and Amy and I made our yearly pilgrimage to Albany. It was fun, but exhausting.

Xander mostly enjoyed the day, though he barely ate anything. The only touchy moment came when he realized that Aunt Tanya wasn't going to be stopping by. There was pouting, crying and general unhappiness. Luckily, he did get to see her on Sunday. Thank goodness!!

Thanksgiving Day we spent with my in-laws. Jean cooked up a turkey, stuffing, corn, and mashed potatoes. I brought over green bean casserole and sweet potatoes with marshmallows. Yum! As usual, I ate myself into a stupor. :) After that was the ceremonial watching of March of the Wooden Soldiers, a family tradition since my mom was a kid.

Glad you had a good day. I'm over the turkey already. Love ya, M.
Awwww!! What a face! Poor little guy. ;)
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