Meet our friends Jerry and Jess, and their daughter Katie. Joe and I still refer to them affectionately as "the kids", even though they aren't very much younger than we are.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Meet Our Friends - California Edition
Monday, January 26, 2009
Laptop Mania!
It's laptop mania at the Bruno house! We just got a new Durabook laptop (huge, huge screen!) and I've been busy installing programs and setting wallpaper, and all that important stuff.

Friday, January 23, 2009
Smiling Joe
Take a good look, people! This is not a sight that is often captured on husband, smiling!If you know us at all, you know that Joe prefers the stoic look when it's picture taking time. If you flip through our photo albums, you'd think he was the most miserable person on earth. But sometimes...sometimes I get a really good smile. A red-letter day to be sure!
And while I'm typing away here, I'd like to say Happy Anniversary to Jerry and Jess!! Woo!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sick of Being Sick!
My boys are sick...again. I took Xander to the doctor yesterday. He has all the symptoms of strep, but no actual strep. Same with Joe. They're both on antibiotics, and both are miserable. Please cross your fingers that I don't get it too!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Now That's More Like It!
Xander's teacher sent another note home yesterday, but this one was soooo much better than the last one! Check it out:
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Meet Nero
This is Nero. He's our new Oscar.Between the two power outages we've had so far this year, we lost seven fish out of our tank, including our two giant Oscars. Joe was pretty despondent about that, he really loved those fish. Now we just have three fish left, including Nero. (Thanks, Nanny, for financing the new fishy purchase!)
Now to hope that we don't have any more power outages, at least until we can get the battery-operated aerators!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Xander's Angry!
Xander has been having some anger issues lately. (Check out his stop-taking-pictures-of-me face below!) He had a terrible week at school - throwing things, ignoring the classroom rules, and generally being miserable. He hasn't been much better at home either. Every morning is a battle to get him ready for school, because he doesn't want to go. When I ask Xander about his behavior, he tells me that school is "boring" and that he'd rather be playing. If anyone has suggestions, I'd love to hear them!This week, both Xander's teacher and I will be starting a rewards program. Five well-behaved days will garner a reward. I hate to have to do this for school, but nothing else is coming to mind. I don't want him to hate school, I really don't. And I think for the most part he doesn't - he's been bringing home good work.
Oh, well. This too shall pass. Hopefully!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Who is that guy??
This is one of those pictures that I, as a parent, really hate. Sure, you can look at this photo of Xander and see his cute little 5 year old face. But I can also see the shadow of the young man that he'll be. Like I need to be reminded that he's growing up right before my eyes. Sigh.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Happy New Year!
Okay, so I'm a few days late. I probably shouldn't have taken all of last week off from work; while it was nice sleeping in, it sure was hard being cut off from the internet! I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday!! Here's what we did:

Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT