It's laptop mania at the Bruno house! We just got a new Durabook laptop (huge, huge screen!) and I've been busy installing programs and setting wallpaper, and all that important stuff.
Part of the fun has been installing some computer games. Xander now has two he can play - Reader Rabbit Kindergarten, and Pajama Sam. He can get everything running without help, and already figured out how the new wireless mouse works.

The old laptop is now hosting our old Sims game (won't install on the new laptop). Xander likes playing this as well, but he has to wait for either Joe or myself to have our turn with it. And soon he'll really be out of luck, because I have Heroes of Might and Magic III coming (remember that one, Jerry? It's all your fault I had to buy it!) and I can play that for days without a break!

The good news is that Xander is watching less TV and spending more time playing educational games on the computer. Once I figure out the benefits of me playing Sims until 1am, I'll let you know!
New computers are always a high. Glad to see him doing educational things. Good job! Love ya, M.
Do you guys have an Xbox 360 yet? If you do.. I recommend Civialization Revolution.. it is like Heroes & Risk (Jerry is still in the cape) combined..
Heroes is awesome...I still love it...we have Heroes V for our puter adn it's great...oh BTW we just found out today that we're having a boy....=D....and the name is Joseph Jon Caggiano...just thought I'd pass along the good news....Miss ya guys...
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