Take a good look, people! This is not a sight that is often captured on film...my husband, smiling!If you know us at all, you know that Joe prefers the stoic look when it's picture taking time. If you flip through our photo albums, you'd think he was the most miserable person on earth. But sometimes...sometimes I get a really good smile. A red-letter day to be sure!
And while I'm typing away here, I'd like to say Happy Anniversary to Jerry and Jess!! Woo!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Smiling Joe
Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT
Thank you Joe & Cass!! We miss and love you guys!!
and I figured I let ya know ya forgot one Jan B-day...Jerry's is Jan 16....Miss y'all
A face only a mother-in-law could love, and does. What a cutie he is when he smiles. Gotta do that more often. He can be grumpy when he's 80. Love ya, M.
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