As soon as I got home yesterday, Xander was waiting for me with news of a research project that I would be involved in. See, his class started a unit on dinosaurs this week. And his Blockbuster movie-of-the-week is Scooby-Doo and the Loch Ness Monster. Apparently, Xander and his teacher had a bit of a disagreement about whether or not Nessie is a dinosaur.

This led to lots of picture drawing. Xander drew countless Loch Ness monster scenarios, some involving unfortunate boaters. And he was so excited when I got out two books that had pictures of the Loch Ness monster in them. I had to copy one of the pages for him, and he took that, his pictures, and the other book to school today to show his teacher.

It was so much fun seeing him so involved in his little research project! He did most of the writing on his pictures, too - sitting there sounding everything out. So cute! I can't wait to go home today and find out what his teacher thought!
1 comment:
Such a smart kid you got there! Chip off the old block, eh? Keep up the good work, Xander! Love ya, Mom.
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