Friday, June 19, 2009

This Grumpy, Crabby, Bully Boy

As you may know, we've been having one heck of a year with Mr. Xander. He was getting into enough trouble at school to have me request that he start seeing the school counselor once a week. Now that school is out, he's been a terror back at daycare. Two days in a row he got in trouble for being physically aggressive with the other kids.

This has just been so upsetting for me. Obviously the Good Boy Buck thing isn't working like we hoped it would. On his two bad days he lost all TV priviledges and I made him write apologies. I told him he's going to start losing toys next. Luckily, he had a good day yesterday. No crying for Mom!

I just hope we can get past this whole "I like violence" thing Xander has going on right now. He's not allowed to watch Daddy play video games anymore, and I'm trying to get him to play more nicely. We'll see if that helps. It sure couldn't hurt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Sange. You're doing all the right things. He'll turn out okay. Love you all, M.

Cat Lady

Cat Lady
For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT