It's been quite the weather week this week. On Monday it was 55 degrees, but so ridiculously windy and rainy and floody that our power was out for 10 long hours. Then it turned back cold again.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Snowy Weather
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Trouble With Pictures - UPDATED!
Okay, so those lake pictures I wrote about last week? The ones I didn't know the location of? My brother and sister-in-law totally came through for me on this one! Quite frankly I'm surprised my brother could remember anything about this, especially since I described the pics to him.

Monday, January 25, 2010
Family Game Night - HP Style
It has been a good long while since the Brunos and the Steigmeiers got together for Family Game Night, and we made that happen this past Friday. Krissy made some awesome chicken and dumplings for dinner, and then we busted out Harry Potter Clue.
Friday, January 22, 2010
The Trouble With Pictures
My life somtimes seems to be controlled by pictures. I'm forever taking them, and scrapbooking them. I have untold photo albums. I have boxes, ziploc bags and random drawers full of photos. It's a nightmare.
I was reminded of my love-hate relationship with pictures just this week. I want to scrap my grandparents' 40th wedding anniversary from back in '88. I knew I had a bunch of pictures, it was just a matter of finding them. Some were in my photo box, in the '80s bag. Others were inexplicably in the '91-'00 bag. A few others I tracked down in various other locations, and yet I knew I was still missing some pictures, including this one:Seriously, I was losing sleep over this. My frustration knew no bounds. And where did I finally find the missing pictures? Tucked into a photo album with other random '80s pictures that I'd totally forgotten about. Grr.
Now that the matter of the anniversary party has been settled, I'm faced with another. A stack of pictures from 1987 that feature my brother, my mother and I in a park-like setting that has no name. Mom can't remember, nothing was jotted down. Come on! I tried Googling a park with a Buddah in it, like in this picture, but to no avail. Still I slog on. I'll have to put in another call to my grandparents, who have been teasing me with their old pictures. They were going to bring them for me to have (albums, people, whole albums!) the last time they came to NY, but there wasn't room in the car. Say what?? And they keep telling me they'll go through them and send me some when they get a chance. Hello! Retirees! Nothing but time! Sigh.
And hey, if you have any pictures I might like, feel free to send them. I'll add them to one of my many piles or CDs or albums!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Xander in Wonderland
Xander has lately been on an Alice in Wonderland kick. He's been watching the movie we have, which is the 1980s TV miniseries full of people like Sammy Davis Jr., Martha Raye, and Lloyd Bridges. I asked him what he likes so much about the movie, and he says it's the Open Season preview that's on there. What a doof! It's a pretty long movie, and he watches it all. Even knows the songs at this point.
did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
All mimsy were the borogoves,
and the mome raths outgrabe.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it. --Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Welcome to the World, Baby Girl!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
My Kid Is Miserable!
My poor boy is not doing well. He's been feeling sick in the tummy area for almost a week. I took him back to the doctor yesterday, and was told there's a bug going around and to give him Tums and yogurt. Yeah, okay. I picked him up some Pepto, his new favorite go-to medicine. He insisted I send it to school with him today so the nurse can give him some when he thinks he needs it.
The other thing making my boy miserable is werewolves. Yup. Werewolves. Against my better judgment, Xander begged to have another shot at watching Monster Squad last week. And since that ill-fated day, all I hear from him is the same question about a million times a day: "Are werewolves real?" No, no, and NO! Seriously, he was crying about this in the car yesterday.
What am I gonna do with this kid, I ask you?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Blind and Find
Xander is a big fan of hide and seek, even though there aren't too many good hiding places in our apartment. Plus, Xander can't stop making noise or giving hints, so he's pretty easy to find. That's why Joe devised a new game, called Blind and Find.
Essentially, we all take turns wearing the blindfold (actually a sleeve cut off one of Joe's sweatshirts) and then have to find the other two wherever they may be in the house. Again, you don't want to be dodging the finder when Xander is running loose, because his mouth never stops running and he'll be wherever you are. Makes for an easy find!
I think this will be better as a warm-weather outdoors game. We'll have to wait and see...our next batch of warm weather probably won't be here until June. :)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I've Become a Bill Bryson Groupie!

Monday, January 4, 2010
Xander and His Many Movies
I will be the first one to admit that Xander watches too much television. But, honestly, is that a bad thing? When I was a kid that was all I pretty much did, besides reading. I can recall going to the video store with Mom and renting like six movies for the weekend. We were a TV family.
Xander's video and DVD library is getting unwieldy. (He spends a lot of time searching for movies, which is what he's doing in this picture.) Some of those movies are/were Joe's and mine - like the animated Hobbit and Labyrinth. Others were given to Xander, either on gift-giving occasions or when people like my grandmother were cleaning out their own collection.
I have to say this boy has some eclectic tastes in home movie viewing. This past week he's been watching a lot of He-man (not the lame 80s one, the updated 2003 version). His Scooby Doo library continues to grow, but he also likes watching Lord of the Rings, Star Trek (the new movie), Sleeping Beauty, and Laurel & Hardy's March of the Wooden Soldiers. About the only thing Xander won't watch is a "gray movie" aka one without color.
Do I worry that Xander watches too much TV? Sometimes. And I try to make sure he doesn't watch anything especially violent, gory and with inappropriate subject matter (he's been asking to watch Spaceballs). And most of the time his movies are just background noise while he plays. And hey...I watched endless hours of TV and I turned out okay!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!
(When I was thinking of a picture to post here, this is the one that popped into my head. My cousin Andy! Took me almost a half hour to find it!)
Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT