Friday, April 17, 2009

Farewell, Pandora!

Today I am saying farewell to my kitty, Pandora. She's been my furry companion for nearly 14 years. I remember I was going to be bringing her home after my summer trip to Germany back in 1995, and spent the majority of the trip trying to come up with a good name. Pandora definitely fit her! Like the box of legend, she was filled with varying personalities - friendly, surly, inquisitive, disdainful, loving.

Ever since we brought Stuart Little into the family, Pandora has spent most of her time living under my bed. In the past year, she's developed an unshakable respiratory problem. She's lost weight, she had a gross abcess over her eye, and this week she's started using the litter box less and my living room more. It was a hard choice for me to make, but Joe is making it a little easier by taking her to the vet for me. I know I should be there with her, but I just can't do it.

Thanks for 13 great years, Pandora!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Pandora's demise, but it's the best thing for her. She would only get worse and that wouldn't be a good thing for Xander to see. Keep the happy memories of her and know she's in a better place. Love you, M and V.

Cat Lady

Cat Lady
For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT