Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Family Game Night & Carlyn's Birthday
Monday, March 29, 2010
Stay Tuned...
Blogger is experiencing technical difficulties today. Please stay tuned tomorrow, when I can hopefully update!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Puddle Dancing Video Posted!
There's a new video posted down below, of Xander enjoying the warm weather with some puddle dancing. Check it out!
Monday, March 22, 2010
One Fine Day in March
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Xander B: Dating Consultant
Things took an interesting turn after dinner last night. Joe retired to the bedroom for a nap and I sat on the couch playing computer solitaire. Xander was sitting behind me futzing with my hair, so I said he may as well brush it, which he did. He also brought out the scissors to cut my hair, "just like Amanda!" Oh, I don't think so! Instead, he piled about 10 pounds of gel into my hair, smoothing it down into a very sturdy helmet.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Random Thoughts on a Wednesday
So, we got our Census form in the mail yesterday. I don't know what I was expecting, but certainly more than just the names, birth dates and nationalities of the people who live in my house. And what's up with the race thing? They asked about having Hispanic origins, but didn't include Hispanic under race. Huh?
It's been nice and warm the last few days - in the high 50s to 60 - but really chilly at night. The result of this is that the puddles in the driveway ice over each night with a thin scrim of ice. Xander loves to stab these with his baseball bat on the way up to wait for the bus. (I know, more violent tendancies. He even calls it "bleeding the puddles.")For myself, I like stepping on the bits of ice that sound like broken glass. Yes, I'm weird. :)
While getting his coat on this morning, Xander asked if he could see Joe's golf hat. I was all like, huh? Daddy doesn't have a golf hat. Xander pointed out the one he wanted, which is the Scottish cap Joe picked up somewhere years ago. I told Xander it was just a Scottish hat, not a golf hat. He informed me that all Scottish people play golf. Good to know! Xander topped that off with a little jig around the foyer.
And finally, I would just like to say Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 15, 2010
Action-Packed Saturday
Most weekends, the Brunos just sit around at home and go grocery shopping. Nothing too exciting. This past Saturday we left the house at noon and didn't get back until about 8:30pm. Woo hoo, livin' the night life! Okay, not really. Here's what we did...
Friday, March 12, 2010
Plethora of Cuteness
Xander had an over-abundance of cuteness yesterday. The big one for me was that I caught him reading outloud to himself after he was in bed. First time I have seen him read when it wasn't a school book. I was so excited! It was an easy-reader version of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and when he saw me hovering in the doorway he called me in and started from the beginning so I could hear the whole book. Sigh. My little reader.
His other cuteness moments involved some phone calls. Every once in a while he gets the urge to call up a bunch of people he knows for two minute conversations. His own version of networking, I guess. This is what he said when he called his friend Ava's house:
"I am Xander Bruno and I'd like to speak to Ava please."
Tee hee! The other funny (to me at least) phone call was one he made to my father-in-law. In case you don't know, my inlaws are going through a divorce - they split up after Thanksgiving. We've only seen Mike once since then, and Xander has talked to him once or twice. When he called last night, I presume a woman picked up the phone because Xander was asking the person on the other end who they were.
I said, "Did Pop-Pop pick up?"
Xander said, "No, he got remarried."
Totally matter-of-fact, which is what made me laugh. Because of course he hasn't gotten remarried. At least not yet! When the person on the other end of the phone asked Xander who he was, this is what he said:
"I'm Xander Bruno, his nephew."
What? Nephew? I corrected him, and he said, "I mean, his grandson." At that point he did in fact get to talk to Mike. But I just thought the whole exchange was hilarious. This kid totally kills me sometimes!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
TV Wars - Update

Special thanks to my hubby for rectifying the situation, even though he really wanted the bigger TV. Love you!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Family Day on Saturday
Friday, March 5, 2010
TV Wars
We've had a rough couple of days over at the Big Blue Barn, all because of TV. This all started quite a while ago, when I mentioned that sometime this year we'd probably need to get a new TV because ours (which is probably about 15 years old) is having sound issues.
Cut to last Saturday, when Joe was over paying off his Xbox. They were having a really good sale and offered him a deal on a 52" LCD TV. I looked at it and said, "No. It's too big." We - meaning me - looked at the other, smaller televisions. It was no go. I just kept hearing about the great deal, the great picture, blah blah blah, and soon it was from both Joe and Xander. Finally I said, "Do what you want" which in woman speak means, "No!"
Wednesday the 52" TV was delivered. I took one look at it when I got home and said, "I hate this TV." And I do. It's way too big. Don't believe me? Just look!
Joe got all mad at me, Xander got upset when he thought he might lose his new big TV, and fight ensued between my hubby and me which lasted about two days. To remedy the situation, Joe went back to the store and is having the big TV reclaimed on Monday. In its place we'll be getting a much more modest 40". Xander cried, of course, but I was just relieved. Now the TV wars have ended (I hope!) and we can go back to blissful movie watching.
Honestly, Spring needs to get here ASAP because I think we're all getting the snow crazies or something!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Mini Me & TV
One of the unexpected pleasures of being a parent is watching your kid get the same enjoyment of stuff that you liked to do. For example, Xander shares a lot of my music interests. He's becoming well-versed in Weird Al, Ray Stevens and Dr. Demento. Sniff. It makes a mother proud! LOL!

Monday, March 1, 2010
Man, am I ever tired of looking out my window and seeing snow. Especially after last week. Three snow days in a row, which meant that Joe, Xander and I were stuck at home together for three long, long days. Xander loved it, of course. Plenty of snow to play in. Me, not so much.

Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT