Monday, March 1, 2010


Man, am I ever tired of looking out my window and seeing snow. Especially after last week. Three snow days in a row, which meant that Joe, Xander and I were stuck at home together for three long, long days. Xander loved it, of course. Plenty of snow to play in. Me, not so much.

Despite my deep, unabiding hatred of the white stuff, I was persuaded to get out and play in it. I honestly have no idea how Xander can play for an hour in three feet of snow and not be exhausted by the time he's done. I had to take a lot of naps in the last few days!

We even made Joe come out and play with us a couple of times. Xander loves that because Joe will toss him into snowbanks and bury him. Xander got his revenge when he buried Joe for a change. (Mommy doesn't get buried, no way!)
Of course, Xander doesn't need anyone to toss him because he's pretty good at tossing himself. He especially loves the wall of snow left over after our driveway has been plowed out. The kid can get some air! (It wasn't as high as it looks, though.)

I'm so ready now for the snow to be over. It's March 1st and I think Spring should just roll right in. Give me 45 degree temps and sunny days, and I'll be so happy! Still, I did get some pretty good pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Move south, dude. Too much white for me now. Old age and all... Loved the pics. I'm seeing ski jumping in the boy's future. Welcome back to techville. Love you all, M & V.

Cat Lady

Cat Lady
For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT