Xander had an over-abundance of cuteness yesterday. The big one for me was that I caught him reading outloud to himself after he was in bed. First time I have seen him read when it wasn't a school book. I was so excited! It was an easy-reader version of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and when he saw me hovering in the doorway he called me in and started from the beginning so I could hear the whole book. Sigh. My little reader.
His other cuteness moments involved some phone calls. Every once in a while he gets the urge to call up a bunch of people he knows for two minute conversations. His own version of networking, I guess. This is what he said when he called his friend Ava's house:
"I am Xander Bruno and I'd like to speak to Ava please."
Tee hee! The other funny (to me at least) phone call was one he made to my father-in-law. In case you don't know, my inlaws are going through a divorce - they split up after Thanksgiving. We've only seen Mike once since then, and Xander has talked to him once or twice. When he called last night, I presume a woman picked up the phone because Xander was asking the person on the other end who they were.
I said, "Did Pop-Pop pick up?"
Xander said, "No, he got remarried."
Totally matter-of-fact, which is what made me laugh. Because of course he hasn't gotten remarried. At least not yet! When the person on the other end of the phone asked Xander who he was, this is what he said:
"I'm Xander Bruno, his nephew."
What? Nephew? I corrected him, and he said, "I mean, his grandson." At that point he did in fact get to talk to Mike. But I just thought the whole exchange was hilarious. This kid totally kills me sometimes!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Plethora of Cuteness
Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT
1 comment:
Where was my phone call? Sniff...
He's such a cutie ALL the time. Give him a squeeze from us. Love you all, M & V.
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