Have you seen these Galactic Heroes Star Wars figures? They're totally adorable and Xander has a pile of them. When we went to Walmart on Saturday, Xander and I were both excited to see a whole new series of these toys on display. After careful consideration, Xander decided on the set he wanted. He was very excited!
When it was time to check out, the Star Wars figures wouldn't scan. Some female Nazi of a store manager materialized on the scene, snatched up the toys, and vanished. Turns out the new series isn't supposed to be available for sale until the 26th. Ha. Tell that to my now inconsolably crying son.
If Joe had been with us I'm sure there would've been a big, loud scene. Alas, it was just plain old non-confrontational me. When Xander was done crying he was pretty mad, lamenting the fact that Daddy hadn't been there to yell at the mean Walmart lady. I can only hope that someone in the toy department got his/her butt reamed for putting those toys out too soon.
Man, I wish we had someplace else besides Walmart to shop at!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Walmart v. Star Wars
Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT
I'm going to see if they're available on line. Walmart needs to be contacted and reamed. Poor little guy. Love you, M.
Sorry for Xander, but I am ROFL'ing at the fact that he wished Joe was there to yell at the Walmart lady!!!
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