So, there's this girl at daycare named Meggie. She's a year older than Xander, and they've always been pretty good friends. This year their friendship escalated - Xander told me many times that he was in love with her, and then they were going to get married. They even decided that they were going to have two children, named Michael and Billy. Ah, young love!
Just yesterday, when I picked Xander up from daycare, Meggie said "Goodbye honey!" and gave him a kiss.
This morning, it all changed. (Fickle women!) Brandon, Xander's best bud, is back from a two week vacation. And Meggie informed Xander that she's broken up with him and now she's going to be Brandon's wife. Xander was clearly upset by this news, but then decided he was more excited that Brandon is back. Maybe now he'll give Ava a chance...she's had her eye on him!
Sigh. These are the days of our lives!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Xander's First Break-Up
Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT
My boy got dumped? Her loss. He can cook and clean. He even has his own set of wheels. Quite the catch, if you ask me. Hang in there, Xander! There's plenty of fish in the sea! Love ya, M.
P.S. Nanny said "Yeah!"
My son just experienced this also, except he is 13(was his first kiss...sigh)It is funny how you take these things so personally.
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