So, I was thinking today about how much technology has changed since I was a kid. Joe had said the other night how lucky Xander was to have his DS, since we didn't have hand-held games when we were kids. And then we had those big, brick-like Gameboys (Tetris, anyone?).
These days it's unusual to find someone that doesn't have a cell phone (even if they don't use them much, like me). Heck, Joe has a Blackberry that he reguarly goes online with. My own humble little Tracfone takes pictures, for goodness sake. We've got DVDs, CDs, MP3 players, the DS, and of course the trusty laptop. Because e-mail isn't quick enough, now you can text or twitter. (I have sent exactly one text!)
When I stop to think about it, it's pretty crazy how much technology has changed since I was a kid. Back in the days of Apple IIe computers and dot matrix printers, when cell phones were huge and portable music either pumped out of a "boom box" or a big ole walkman. Even just using this blog to keep up with my family - who'd have thunk it?
I can't wait to see how much will be different when Xander is ready to go to college. What new advances will there be? How much more confounded will I feel at times, dealing with all this electronic stuff? Maybe by then I'll be able to remember to charge my cell phone!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Feeling Techno-Savvy
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Meet Our Friends: Scandinavian Edition
I'm lucky enough to have made some friends from oversees, some of which I still communicate with. I've never been to visit them in their countries, but I'd like to some day.

Monday, July 27, 2009
Check Out My Boy!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday Night BBQ
My family and Eli's family got together for a BBQ last night. Dylan is visiting this week and we wanted to see him before he went back home. I can happily report that the kids got along unusually well!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Family Flashback: Weenie Wagon
Monday, July 20, 2009
Xander Bruno is 6 Years Old!!
My not-so-little boy turned six on Saturday. We watched the video of when he was born, and it's hard to believe that little baby is the boisterous, crazy kid that now lives in my house! We had the annual birthday party, with the rented tent and picnic tables. And of course we had the pool and slip-n-slide set up.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince
No work for me today! I took the day off to finish getting the house ready for Xander's party tomorrow, not to mention going shopping with Joe to get the food and stuff that we'll need. As an extra bonus, we're going to take in a matinee of Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince. I can't wait to see it!! Joe and I are big HP fans. Have you seen it yet?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Amazing Flying Xander!
Okay, so I already featured a photo from this series as the Photo of the Week. But seriously, I crack up every time I look at these! They're too good not to show off. Just Xander jumping on my bed, but that boy can get some air! Check out his amazing acrobatics:
Monday, July 13, 2009
Family Flashback: Norma
Eli is out of town, so this seems the perfect time to have a laugh at his expense. (These are the times I love being a big sister!)

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Bruno Family Vacation - The Aftermath
Well, we're back home again after a long, long drive. As expected, Xander didn't want to leave Aunt Margie's and was very grumpy. But things smoothed out, especially after we stopped for some lunch at McDonald's and Xander was able to get a fake moustache from one of those coin machines. Goofball.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Bruno Family Vacation - Day Three
The weather was against us today, Day Three of our vacation extravaganza. Dark clouds were threatening and rain was forecast, but we head out to Darien Lake anyway because it was on the schedule and I live and die by my schedule. :)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Bruno Family Vacation - Day Two
Another long, on-our-feet day today. After Aunt Margie headed off to work (after a long night that included several rounds with the local fire siren and a window-rattling thunderstorm), the Brunos and Andrew headed out for the Strong Museum of Play in Rochester. To say that place is big is a wicked understatement!
Our last stop at the museum was the videogame exhibit. They had an amazing array of old arcade games in there that we could play. All the greats were represented - Pac Man, Frogger, Asteroids and Donkey Kong among them. Xander played the Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back game for a while (I think it was broken, because on one token the game play never seemed to end!) and then played something called Gauntlet.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Bruno Family Vacation - Day 1
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Stuart Little - The Saga Continues
Stuart has been doing some new things this past week. One is cute, one is puzzling. The cute thing is that he's found a new toy in one of Xander's plastic jacks. He carries it around in his mouth, he'll drop it down the stairs if the gate is open and then run after it, and he bats it around the house at all hours of the day (and night!). I've been trying to catch a picture of him with the jack in his mouth, but haven't had any luck.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Summer of 1983
Let's take a trip in the Way Back machine, shall we? I've been wanting to scrap the family reunion we had back in '83, but had been holding off because the handful of pictures that I have from then are less than stellar. It's a wonder anyone even bothered!

Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT