Monday, November 16, 2009

Our Overnight Guest!

Xander has been on many overnights, mostly to my mother-in-law's and my brother's. The only child we had stay over was Katie (her folks bunked in too) for Xander's second birthday. So it's been a while.

On Saturday, we had scheduled Braden for an all-day playdate. Xander was so excited, particularly because it would just be the boys all day - no pesky sisters! The boys played so nice together all day! Braden decided to stay for dinner, and when I would've taken him home afterwards, Xander begged for more playtime. And just like that, Braden ended up spending the night.

The boys decided they could both sleep on Xander's bed, once they got all the stuffed animals, extra blankets, and random toys off it. At 8:30 I put them to bed, but they played their DS games for about another hour. The night passed without incident. I'm so happy everything went well, it will make me less nervous about any future sleepovers we may have. Plus, it was nice for Xander and Braden to have all that time to hang out together. Might have to switch up to a bigger bed, though...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm seeing a double bed in Xander's future! Cousins are too cool not to hang out with. Good job! Love ya, M.

Cat Lady

Cat Lady
For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT