Okay, this is going to be a long post! I was out of work for several days - my mom came to visit, and before that we had a huge snow storm and our first snow day of the year. In fact, we lost power at our house for two days and were camping out at Eli and Krissy's (thanks, guys, for putting us up...and putting up with us!). This put a severe crimp in my house cleaning plans. And sadly we lost two of our fish.

By the time Mom came in on Thursday, our power was back on and the apartment was mostly clean. I did go to work for a little while on Friday, because there was a Halloween breakfast and mom got a chance to visit with some of her old work friends. Then she went with Eli to watch his kids march in the Jefferson parade while Joe and I went to Xander's school to see his first parade. Too cute! We regrouped at Eli's house to see the kids in their costumes before taking mom back and going trick or treating. (Xander got enough candy to fill 2 bowls! Crazy!)

On Saturday we had an early birthday party for Mom at Eli's house. There were presents, Mickey Mouse ears, and the Pioneer Woman's apple dumplings - yum! Mom stayed overnight there, and I picked her up on Sunday for some shopping and lunch out with Xander and I. Saturday night was back to Eli's for BBQ.

Monday was a low-key day. I went in to work for a couple of hours to take care of some things that just couldn't wait, then we watched movies at home. Mom and I fell asleep on the couch in the middle of Ghostbusters. Pretty sad. Yesterday Krissy, Mom, Aislin and I went out for lunch, and then we took Mom to the airport. She got back to Florida at 10pm.

It was a great visit and I miss her already! Hopefully next year we'll be able to go to Florida to visit her for a change. Fingers crossed!