Monday, April 26, 2010

Joe's Birthday Weekend

Joe had a really great birthday weekend, and when Joe's happy so are the rest of us! LOL! Here's what we did:

Friday - I took the day off from work because Xander had a dental appointment (perfect teeth, by the way!). Joe drove us up to Albany afterwards in his continuing search for new motorcycle boots; he didn't find any. We hit the mall so I could indulge in more awesome sesame chicken, and pick up some scrapbook magazines from Borders. Joe got himself a little point and shoot digital camera to take with him on bike runs. And Xander begged big time to go to Toys R Us, where further begging ensued for some Star Wars action figures. Here's his begging face:

Saturday - Joe left bright and early for a ride with some of his club members out to an open house in Binghamton. I'll admit I was nervous about his firt long-distance ride, but not as worried as I'd have been if he was alone. For anyone who is interested, here's a picture of his bike:

While Joe was out riding, Xander and I did the grocery shopping and picked up a couple more birthday presents. At 4:30pm I dropped him off at Eli and Krissy's and headed back to Oneonta to meet Joe for dinner at Applebees. I even wore a dress! And, as Xander called it, some hideous lipstick. Such a way with words, that boy of mine! (Braden told me I looked beautiful, so there!) Joe and I had a great dinner together, and when we got home Xander gave him one of his presents earl - Season 1 of Doctor Who. Joe and I watched some after Xander went to bed.

Sunday - It was a Bruno pajama day. We slugged out in our jammies all day. Cinnamon buns for breakfast, followed later on by orange shakes (Xander's favorite) and the presentation to Joe of the rest of his gifts and his cards. Joe got a lot of birthday calls, and kept checking Facebook on his Blackberry to see who was leaving him birthday messages there. So cute! I made a stuffed, roast chicken for dinner, and for dessert we had a cheesecake sample to pick at. do I top this next year? LOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone had a very nice birthday. Great pics. Love you all, M & V.

Cat Lady

Cat Lady
For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT