Bedtime and Xander have been having some relationship issues lately. Xander's bedtime is supposed to be 7:30 pm. What actually happens is that at 7:30 he reads his book from school and then is in bed by 8pm. For up to two hours or more after that, he looks at books or plays his DS, so that he's not actually falling asleep until 10pm or later.

I've tried taking away the DS and making him just lay in the dark, but that doesn't work either. "I'm just not tired," he'll tell me. Joe's solution is to move his bedtime to 7pm, which doesn't seem right to me. Probably Xander is just turning into a night owl, like his parents. There's nothing we can do about that.

I guess so long as he's not having trouble getting up for school (he isn't) or having any problems at school because he's tired (none that we know of), I guess I'll just have to let him decide when he's tired enough to fall asleep.
uh oh... He is pushing his you and seeing how far you will let him go. Katie tried this same thing, and it was NOT fun. I am going to have to agree with Joe on this one. If bed time is 7:30 then he should be in bed and ready to go to sleep at 7:30. No toys, no books, no fun. It may not be a problem yet, but the lack of sleep will catch up with him.
Been so long, I don't have any advice. I guess you guys just went to bed when it was bedtime. Don't remember letting you play. Then again, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for others. Good luck! Love you, M.
and I will agree with Joe and Jess....bedtime is sleepy time...
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