Sorry for the delay in posting the Orlando pages. While every discount motel and hotel in Orlando seemed to have Wi-Fi, my All-Star Disney hotel DID NOT! Gaah! But that was the only bad thing I have to say about my hotel.

We stayed at the All-Star Movie hotel, in the Mighty Ducks building. Quack! We were on the first floor, directly across from the swimming pool. So, naturally, that's the first thing Xander wanted to do upon arrival. We also checked out the bigger Fantasia pool, which we all liked much better.

The building next to ours was the 101 Dalmations, and we never did get over to see Toy Story or Love Bug. Oh, well, next time!

We took a Disney shuttle to Downtown Disney, which has lots of shops, restaurants and nightclub areas.

Xander, of course, wanted to go right to the Lego store and spend his vacation money. Which he did! He bought two Prince of Persia lego sets, and put one together that night when we got back to the hotel. Joe was enjoying the wall of Lego parts, which you could purchase seperately.

There are plenty of photo ops in Downtown Disney. Statues mostly, and everyone wanted to take pictures around them. Joe wanted his picture by grumpy looking Donald, and I made Xander pose with Buzz (he was pretty negative about pictures this whole vacation, the little pill!).

We had dinner at Captain Jack's, which was right on the water. Seafood all around, except for Xander who had Mac and Cheese. Then we went to the Harley Davidson store, which was one of Joe's top stops. He only bought a do-rag thingie there, because the HD stores are always so expensive, but they also had two bikes you could sit on and take pictures of. Which we did!

It was late by the time we hopped the shuttle back to our hotel. Xander played with his Legos, I organized the day's photos, and we watched TV. A full day!