Today was the day Xander has been waiting for - our trip to Wannado City. It's this great place at the Sawgrass Mills Mall that's all these different occupations for kids to try out. The first thing they did was give Xander $150 Wangos (Wannado City Dollars) that he had to take to the bank. And for every job he tried out, he got $20 more. First job? Detective. He had to go to a crime scene and look for clues.

Xander was able to spend some of his Wangos - he ended up with $210 all together - in the Carnival, where he rode two pretty tame rides. But he liked being able to pick what he wanted to do.

Second job? Discovering the Lost City of Situ. That's the one he really wanted to do. When he came flying out with his bucks, he told Mom and I that it was scary but awesome. Unfortunately, it was all behind closed doors so I couldn't get any pictures.

Mom was surprised, out of everything else there was to do that was so cool, when Xander decided he wanted to go shopping at Publix. He picked some things for his shopping cart, put some things back, and checked out. Only at this store, he got paid for shopping instead of having to pay. Wish Walmart worked like that!
We tried to get Xander to do Fireman. He waited for a good half an hour, then gave up like five minutes before it was his group's turn to go. He could've ridden on the firetruck, which drove through the city, dressed up in a jacket and hat, and put out a "fire" at the Fireworks Factory. Alas, it wasn't to be.
Joe, who had been investigating the mall, decided to join us after lunch. Only they wouldn't let him in without a kid, so Mom and Xander had to go up front to collect him. I think he's on the Wannado Watch List now, LOL!
Xander was able to spend some of his Wangos - he ended up with $210 all together - in the Carnival, where he rode two pretty tame rides. But he liked being able to pick what he wanted to do.
The final job of the day for Xander was Police Officer. A group of kids in red vests were taken out to a crime scene to be bad guys. The blue-vested officers then had to go out and arrest them, bringing them back to the station and throwing them in jail. Xander really liked this one, and was the only kid who came out of the Police Station with his fingers cocked into a gun. That's my boy!

After we wrapped up Wannado City, we went to meet my Internet Wife, Tracy. She helped me learn to digi scrap, she is the one who does the Amazing Digi Scrapping Race with me, and she's just awesome. I was so happy to finally meet her in person!
After we wrapped up Wannado City, we went to meet my Internet Wife, Tracy. She helped me learn to digi scrap, she is the one who does the Amazing Digi Scrapping Race with me, and she's just awesome. I was so happy to finally meet her in person!
Then it was back to Mom's for more pool time, and dinner. Joe got himself stuck in the inversion table and needed Vikki and I to help get him righted. Too funny! It's been a fun day. More fun tomorrow - Green Cay and my first Cuban sandwich . I can't wait!
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