Friday, July 23, 2010

Moving Day

It's been a busy work week for me. On Wednesday I started packing up my office, on Thursday I finished packing and cleaned all my furniture, and today I have unpacked and arranged my new office. The Administration, in their "wisdom" decided to move my department and our sister department to a whole other building. It's a little closer to home for me, but it's also an Occupational Center - this means there will be kids here all the time, and some of those kids are the extremely troubled variety.

But I did the packing and the sorting and watched the moving company (cute boys! woo!) carry all of my things away.

And I did the shoving around of furniture and unpacking and restoration to put a new office together. I took the spot my boss wanted, but I figure she's retiring in a couple of weeks so I'm not worried about it.

My new office-mate Joan likewise spent the day getting her area in order. Now our bosses need to come in and set up their office space - we're all sharing one big room.

It's a lot to get used to, but as long as I have my things in their usual spaces I guess I won't freak out...too much! Now I just need a phone line!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everything will work out fine, Sange. I know how much you loath change, but sometimes change is good. Hang in there! Love you, M.

Cat Lady

Cat Lady
For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT