As you might remember from an earlier post, I am once again becoming a hat person. I picked up a little fedora a couple of weeks ago, but now have set my sights higher. I found the most adorable Pork Pie hat online and I want it so bad! It's pricey - more than I would ever normally spend on any article of clothing, much less a hat - but it's a Kangol and Joe says that's a really good brand. My only trouble now, besides putting aside some moolah, is picking the color. I'm torn between natural:

And brown:

Plus now Joe wants one too. He's such a copy cat! So...which one do you think will look better on me?
I like the cream. V likes it, too. That's our vote. Love you, M and V.
I am NOT a copycat. I am a hat whore. The Original Hatter so to speak and you dear heart are my enabler.
I like that natural one better I think that it will show up better on your head and go with more items than the brown one will. Either one is nice though.
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