The scrapping darkside, that is! That's how paper scrappers refer to us digi types. And I'm in the process of recruiting. Check out my sister-in-law!

Krissy just got a laptop, and has jumped into the world of digi scrapping with both feet. I think she may possibly have every digital freebie on the web now living on her EHD! And the best part is that she's actually using her supplies! Check out one of her very first layouts (using one of my humble templates):

Not bad, right? Last night I was scrapping with my friend Amy, who still paper scraps. I got into a conversation with her and her sister about digi scrapping and now Amy is seriously considering making the switch once she upgrades from a desktop to a laptop. Bwa ha ha, another feels the pull of the darkside!
Remember, it's not all bad on the darkside. We have cookies!
1 comment:
Luke, I'm your father!
You go, girl! Love ya, M.
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