Please tell me that this is just a phase!

My adorable, and generally well-mannered, four year old son has turned into Mr. Bickerson. He argues about everything, he knows everything, and he's generally driving me insane. I find myself saying things like "I'm not talking to you right now!" more and more often. Shouldn't this phase happen once my delightful boy is in school? Here is a recent exchange:
Mommy - "Remember, Mommy knows everything!"
Xander - "Did you know that hippopatumases can fly?"
Mommy - "Hippos can't fly."
Xander - "They do on Barney."
What's my comeback for this?
My new plan is to become a stay-at-home mom. Just as soon as my darling son starts school. Think of all those quiet hours I can fill with scrapbooking!
I hate to tell you this, but it only gets worse! LOL!
I love the pic on the front page right now of Xander & Stuart. So cute! Oh yeah, and speaking of Stuart, I don't know how the heck I missed the PAW OF DOOM layout, but I'm totally stealing that idea! I laughed my butt off. Well, not the part about your boo-boo, but I can totally relate. My fat cat Callie carries on about being petted and then when you pet her she starts clawing you. Brat!!
Seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree of snappy comebacks, eh? Just be glad he's not twins. Seriously, he's a little angel. You won't convince me otherwise. Love you.
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