I want people to read my blog. There. I said it. I'm not proud! I guess the whole point of setting up a blog is so that people will stop by, read what you said, maybe leave a nice comment or two. With that in mind, I'm now sending you to read someone else's blog.
Say what?
Okay, what finally pushed me into starting my own blog was the hours of time I put in reading The Pioneer Woman's blog. This woman is hysterically funny, she takes beautiful pictures, she had awesome recipes, and she's married to The Marlboro Man. 'Nuff said! Seriously, though, sometimes I feel she's a member of my own family. I'll report back to Joe the new funny story on her blog, like I'm sure he really cares. Recommended reading: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels, the story of how Pioneer Woman and Marlboro Man got together.
So if you haven't had the Pioneer Woman experience, run - don't walk! - over to her site and check it out. Just promise to come back and read mine, too!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Queen Of All Blogs
Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT
Just wanted you to know that I'm keeping up. We in the sunny state of Florida enjoy reading your blog. Good job! Mommo.
Dear Cassie,
I so enjoyed reading your blog. You are your mother's daughter! So very creative. Now that I found this site I will be a frequent visitor.
If you don't know Cassie she is a wonderful daughter,stepdaughter,mother, wife and person.
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