When Xander goes to Kindergarten in the fall, he'll be attending Gilboa-Conesville Central School (Best school by a dam site! Yes, that's their lame motto.). They have a program there where the Kindergarten teachers visit the incoming students at their homes, and I think they're the only local school that does this.
I took a whole day off of work to get the house ready, make brownies, and just generally make the Brunos seem like a normal, well-adjusted family (if they only knew!). There was a snafu, though, and we missed each other when they were supposed to come yesterday. Xander cried for a half hour, he was so disappointed. Poor guy. He'd been so excited, he even cleaned his room without being asked! That's pretty serious!
So I called the school this morning and we were able to reschedule for 8:30 this am. Xander went outside to wait for them with Joe's skull and crossbone helmet on, and his little cowboy pistol in hand. As first impressions go, it was a memorable one! Both of the teachers were very nice, and they brought Xander some books and some of that homemade playdough. So he played with one teacher while I talked to the other one. We all agreed that Xander should do pretty well in school, he's so outgoing and personable. They'll just have to keep an eye out for Xander the Bully!
Next month Xander will get to ride the bus to school one day for orientation and screening. He's already looking forward to that. I still can't believe he's old enough to be starting school!! Where did the time go? Sigh.
And I'm bummed that I forgot to take a picture of Xander with the teachers. No photographic evidence...and I call myself a scrapbooker!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Meeting the Teachers
Cat Lady

For the March All About Me Challenge at ACOT
1 comment:
TMPI, babe. Xander is Mr. Personality and will do very well in school, I predict. He's quite the character. Chip off the old block, I think. Love you, Mommo.
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